Is my rabbit too fat?

Overweight in rabbits; is that possible?

Obesity in rabbits is unfortunately not unique, but a more common phenomenon. Many rabbits move relatively little in view of what they eat. Often rabbits get too many chunks and too little hay. While rabbits originally eat mainly natural hay. Are you curious if your rabbit is too fat and how you can make your rabbit lose weight responsibly?

Bunnies overweight

Overweight is just as unhealthy for rabbits as it is for any other animal or human. The overweight will put extra strain on the joints of the rabbits and will also make them less easy to move. The extra body weight just gets in their way. The fact that they may not climb up so easily or run through the loft because of osteoarthritis, for example, is annoying and sometimes causes pain, but otherwise you often notice less of it. What is a problem with rabbits that are too heavy, is that they often have trouble keeping the coat clean, they can't brush themselves well enough because the larger body is in the way. When your rabbit can't keep itself clean enough, it's more likely that flies will lay eggs in the fur. When this happens and the eggs become larvae, Myiasis (maggot disease) will develop. Pets and therefore overweight rabbits are also more susceptible to other conditions such as heart disease or fatty liver. In addition, it is important to realize that when you have to anaesthetize overweight rabbits, for example when sharpening the front teeth, the anaesthesia is also an extra risk for overweight rabbits.

Is my rabbit too fat?

With normally-built, overweight rabbits, you can try to feel the ribs. If you can't feel the ribs, or can barely feel the ribs anymore, it is very likely that you have a rabbit that is too thick. In addition, overweight rabbits are more likely to have a thick fold of fat between chin and breast (wam), but this can also be hereditary in some breeds. In rabbits, such as the French hawk, which have a more compact build, feeling the ribs is not a good method. In these animals it is better to feel the spine, if it is no longer felt then this rabbit is also much too heavy.

The most important part of the rabbit ration is hay!

The intestines of rabbits function best when they get unlimited hay (this is not the part of the diet that makes them too fat). For the well-being of a rabbit, unlimited hay is actually a must. In addition, hay also contains few calories and is therefore ideal for rabbits that have to lose weight.


The basic ration of a rabbit is of course hay and they can get a few chunks. A good diet consisting of the same pellets or extrusions (chunks) ensures that a rabbit can't eat selectively, but gets all the nutrients offered. A rabbit feed of pellets is called a mono-component feed. When a coarse mix is fed, there is a chance that the rabbit will not get certain parts of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients, because then rabbits often tend to eat selectively. When feeding chunks, it is important to check that no loose sugars have been added as this is not necessary for a rabbit. How many pellets you give per day depends of course on the type of kibble, but as a guideline often 20 grams per kg body weight (approximately and tablespoon per day) is used.

Fresh fruit and vegetables: which are and which are less good to give

Not everything we eat in fruit and vegetables is equally healthy for your rabbit. You can simply give the following vegetables to your rabbit: broccoli, basil, kale, watercress, pak choi, carrot+loof, endives, chicory or dandelions. They also like fruit such as a slice of apple, blackberry, raspberry or strawberry, but because they contain a lot of natural sugars, it is wise not to offer this too often or too much. What you better not give to your rabbit are vegetables from the nightshade family (potato, zucchini, tomato, sweet pepper) and the allium family (onion, garlic, leek), rabbits can't stand this.

Tasty bought sweets are often not the healthiest snacks

Lots of ready-made snacks for rabbits seem healthier than they actually are. Better is to spoil your rabbit with attention, play together so your rabbit also moves a little bit extra or give a healthy snack like a piece of apple.

More exercise is healthier for your rabbit

Rabbits like to walk around, but unfortunately our house rabbits are often locked up in their cage. It's better to have them running around loose, but of course that's not always an option. But it is important to let your rabbit walk freely every day. Rabbits can be well house trained, so they can often walk loose in the living room. Just keep an eye out that your rabbit does not secretly nibble through some cables.

When your rabbits are in an outside loft it is often possible to attach a run to the loft. Keep in mind that rabbits are also good diggers and jumpers, often a buried gauze is a good stopper.

Your rabbit is too heavy and has to lose weight now, right?

A rabbit that has to go on a diet, you can't just feed less. This has to be phased out gradually. It is important that rabbits can eat continuously. Their digestion is adjusted to this. If their intestines fall silent due to a lack of food, there is a good chance that your rabbit won't recover from this and may even die. So always make sure that hay is present and limit the snacks and chunks that are bought with extra sugar added.

The vet is also your rabbit's dietician

It can be quite difficult to determine if your rabbit has the right weight. Do you doubt if your rabbit is too fat? If so, contact your vet to see if your rabbit has the right weight or if it's allowed to lose some weight. If your rabbit is really too fat, it may take a while to reach the right weight, you shouldn't lose weight too fast to keep the intestines healthy.